Our fiscal attorneys have solid knowledge and vast experience on efficient LEGAL FISCAL DEFENSE to guarantee the minimum loss on your profits due to fiscal and tax poor plans. Allow us to visit you at your office and plan together the successful strategy for your business protecting at all time your assets and properties.
Full Fiscal- Legal Assessment
Regional Fiscal and Legal Plans
Deep knowledge on fiscal Laws and Provisions i.e. Corporate, Fiscal, administrative, Litigation
Tax- Legal Defense ( URGENT Habeas Corpus for Corporations)
Tax and Fiscal Courts expertise
Experience on PYMES and Individuals
Highly Complex Defense and Litigation
Litigation against the fiscal authorities requires a very particular level of specialization and attention to detail of very sensible matters. Through our assessment and legal representation we offer to our clients the best opportunity to, aside of maintaining a good fiscal status before the administrative and fiscal authorities, to contest adverse situations such as the verification faculties of the authorities, for example the domiciliary visit, the revision of the working papers, or any other way the authority has to audit. With this it is intended to avoid any seizure on the patrimony of the tax payers, freezing of their bank accounts or the intervention by the authority in their business as well as the risk of criminalizing tax paying omissions. A key element we offer in this service is a high level Public Administration Law Litigation, first with a direct contact with the involved authorities, while the verification faculties are exercised, and then with the proper administrative recourse depending on the relevant case, such as the revocation recourse or the claim recourse in cases involving Contributions of Social Securities determined by the Mexican Institute of Social Security.
Juicio de Nulidad –Amparos-
Among the tools we have at hand for our clients in administrative and fiscal litigation, the “juicio de nulidad” (jurisdictional process in which the annulment of a resolution issued by the public administration is sought) and the “juicio de amparo” (similar to the habeas corpus procedure in which the protection of the fundamental rights by the federal justice against a determined act of a public server or the application of a law, is sought) are effective means with which the illegality or unconstitutionality (respectively) of an authorities act can be determined. At the same time, during the procedure we offer the possibility of having suspended the execution of the authority act or ask for provisional measures to prevent any harm to our clients’ situation while the procedure lasts. In this way we support our clients and give them an alternative with which to stop the damage received by the acts of the administrative authority. Aside of this suspension, our goal with this judicial procedures is to actively seek the indemnity of this circumstances by the authority which acted without the proper legal grounds against our clients best interest.
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